Tuesday, October 5, 2010


A day that begins with gratitude is a day that you'll be able to fill with positive progress.
 When you're sincerely appreciative of where you are and what you have,
 you'll greatly expand your own possibilities.
Begin with a thankful thought.
 And connect yourself with the abundance that is all around you.
There is always something for which you can be sincerely thankful.
 And the simple act of being thankful ignites a productive momentum in your world.

By focusing your thoughts on the positive aspects of your life,
 you cause their influence to grow.
Be grateful, and your gratitude happily creates even more
 things in your life for which you can be grateful.

The appreciation for what you have gives more value to all that you are.
 The blessings you enjoy are blessings precisely because you see them as such.
Tap into the great reservoir of real value that is already available to you.
Live with gratitude, and you'll create even more reasons to be thankful.
~Ralph Marston~


Monday, October 4, 2010

Life,s Challenges...................

Sometimes the world appears
To be spinning out of control.
Sometimes there seems to be no end
To the distressing news.

Sometimes it feels like troubles
Are being piled on top of troubles.
Sometimes it can look as if there
Could never be a way forward.

And yet, that way forward is always
As close as your next thought.
For no matter how difficult and discouraging
Life may have become, with each dawning moment,
A new world of positive possibilities opens up to you.

From the darkest depths of despair,
Hope does indeed grow and take flight.
Out of difficult situations, new strategies emerge
For creating real value and spreading life's goodness.

Remember that the future does not have to be
An extension of the past.
For you can act right now to create
That future out of the abundance of positive possibilities.

Life always has its challenges,
And those challenges are what enable you
To bring real value to life.
Whatever the circumstance,
Step boldly forward and
Choose to move the world positively ahead.



Creative Edible Accessories..........................

Be Patient..........

"There will be a time when loud-mouthed,
incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you.
When that happens, you only have to be patient and
wait for them to self-destruct. It never fails."

All We Need Is Love.............................

Everyone looks outside for everything, including love.
Love is all that everyone wants.
 Their purpose in life is love; to love someone, to be loved,
 to love their car, to love their dog, to love their garden etc.
But all these types of love are perishable and are destined to fade away.
 The love we really want is within us all the time.
When we feel love, where is the love coming from?
 It is within us, that’s because we are love.
So I need to sit in silence and get to know myself again,
 because when I get to know my true self I will find out that I am love.
 I don't need to look for it outside.
I have an imperishable supply of the most sweetest
 love possible within me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beautiful Italy.................

Confidence In Now..................

Now is where you are. Now is where to focus your efforts and

Now you can act and get results. Now you can make a
Difference and have an influence.

It makes no sense to concern yourself now with your
Shortcomings in the past. Now is when you can do what you
Were previously unable or unwilling to do.

There is time to live your life and that time is now. There
Is time to experience joy, love and fulfillment, and that
Time is now.

There is nothing you need before you can act, because you
Are already here and now. There is much that you can do, so
Do it now.

Make complete, effective use of this moment. And know the
Power of claiming full confidence in now.